Creative. Curious. A dreamer. A little too sensitive (just a little).

I grew up on the West Coast of Canada, in British Columbia. A wild coast, tall trees and endless mountain ranges to explore - the glorious outdoors and natural world is always with me. I studied at Emily Carr University of Art and Design, where I spent my time in darkrooms and painting studios, a real highpoint in my artistic journey.

I began a career as a visual merchandiser at IKEA in 1999, before I had even graduated from university. This path took me to all the far away places I had dreamed of, across Canada, to California, to New York and to Japan. I thrived in leading inspiring projects with a team of creative spirits. In 2012, I took the biggest and scariest leap of my career (and life!) and I moved across the sea to Malmö, Sweden to plan global solutions for IKEA stores.

In 2016, life shifted again for me when I became "Mamma". Everything changed. I lay in bed for hours with my son, bathed in the details of his skin and eyelashes and I couldn't see or be in the world the same way again. In 2019 I became mamma for the second time with my daughter. Time became too long, time became too short. Time and motherhood, and the fleeting moments that change everything are what led me to making art again, and to making art for others.

And what does that mean for me and my art journey, for me and photography?

What does that mean for you?

I thrive nowadays by capturing imagery of my children, of other people and their children. I see the world through a lens that paints with light and with love. I am driven by capturing the lasting impact of our life dreams and our relationships. I am driven to capture the Best of Times.



The Wingren Family

coming soon

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